Welcome to the governmental and public information portal of TexAmericas Center.
This section of our website complements the real estate and economic development-related portions, because it is here that you will find information regarding the business behind TexAmericas Center and development opportunities. This is where you can access archival information, employment opportunities, bid opportunities and much more.
Initially founded in 1998 as the Red River Redevelopment Authority, TexAmericas Center is a quasi-governmental entity, specifically a Special Purpose District of the State of Texas. The Texas Legislature, in 1997, created legislation allowing a county impacted by US DOD Base Realignment and Closurer activity to form Local Redevelopment Authorities (LRA’s) LRA’s have a mission to transform former military land and buildings into a successful, privately held industrial park. By bringing together local governments and leading business executives, TexAmericas Center has created a service-oriented, knowledgeable staff with dedicated resources to support the establishment or expansion of business and quality jobs within the Texarkana region.
The property is being transformed into a state of the art industrial park capable of meeting the needs of multiple industries. You are invited to lend your voice, insight and expertise to help TexAmericas Center create a thriving economic development engine that will power the future growth of the Texarkana region.

Thank you for visiting.
Scott Norton,
Executive Director, CEO